


Now or Never

Jul 06 2022 . 7 min read / view
demo@onlinejain.com Poornima Laxmeshwar
VIEWS : 1467

We are standing at the crossroads from where the path we take will decide the planet's future. It's possible that we have crossed the tipping point, and all we can do now is to slow down the process of environmental degradation. Every day, we face nature's wrath due to global warming and other environmental degradation in some parts of the planet. How do we confront a burning issue like the very existence of our world? The only means is by taking quick, proactive action. Only when we bring a change in our mindset and behavior as responsible inhabitants of this beautiful world can we make a difference. As per a United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) report, the world population is going to touch the 8 billion mark, and the alarming fact is that we are using the equivalent of 1.6 earth's resources to sustain our current way of life. To add on, according to the IPCC‘s sixth assessment report on the state of our climate, the past decade is likely to have been the hottest period in the last 125,000 years.

It's simply time to wake up! No wonder the theme for the recently concluded World Environment Day on June 5th was "Only One Earth," focusing on "Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature."

The only way we can stop the scales from tilting towards the unthinkable is by a 'billion courageous Acts of Green' every day and every hour. From community organizers to classroom students to government officials today, we all realize the importance of sustainability. There are no two ways, and the movement to change the world by changing our attitude towards this burning issue has begun.

First and foremost, the choices we make as responsible adults or even aware children affect the environment and the climate, and other species. From how we decide to commute to how we reuse resources, all can positively and negatively impact our environment. Taking small measures and corrective action may be a small step taken by us and may not be noticeable immediately, but in the long-term, they have irreversible consequences.

The answer to all this starts with living sustainably, which translates to - meeting our everyday needs without compromising the ability of future generations to come to meet their needs. The Covid 19 pandemic and the resulting lockdown, which curtailed all forms of traffic and drastically reduced industrial activity, had shown a remarkable improvement in the overall air quality of the planet.

Let's start with some basic steps toward sustainable living.

Step 1. Say 'YES' to reusable alternatives

We all know single-use products, mainly plastic, are one of the biggest environmental threats. The recent ban on single-use plastics is a significant step towards protecting our environment from degradation. The time has come to switch to reusable alternatives - cloth bags to buy vegetables, reusable kitchen towels, compostable garbage bags, reusable coffee cups, etc.

Step 2. The focus on reducing waste

Haven't you wondered that what we throw away can be a massive waste of resources that consume materials, money, and time? As we strive towards a 'zero waste' mission, we can start by taking small steps like recycling and reusing – rechargeable batteries, reusable water bottles, and shopping bags.

Step 3. Grow your produce

The trend of growing one's produce like fruits and vegetables in balconies and gardens has picked up and goes a long way in sustainability and reduces the burden of using plastic sheets and bags used for wrapping and further reduces environmental waste.

Step 4. Embrace environment-friendly products

Awareness about the environment helps us choose sustainable living options by shifting to green products. From electric vehicles to bamboo toothbrushes and recycled cutlery, the chances are increasing daily, and 'go green' is a mantra akin to all strata of society.

Step 5. Reduce carbon footprint

Probably we don’t think at all when we take out our vehicles even for the simplest of tasks. Going forward, if we can consciously decide to lessen our carbon footprint and reduce unnecessary commute that will sum up and really matter to mother nature.

Being eco-friendly means being earth friendly. Remember there is #OnlyOneEarth as the World Environment Day theme for 2022 goes, and there is probably one last chance for change and adopt a more sustainable living from today.

Authors Bio

Poornima writes about the mundane and the most predictable. What interests her is weaving absurd images to create poetry. She has authored three books of poetry: 'Anything but Poetry' by Writers Workshop, 'Thirteen: Household poems' by Yavanika Press, and 'Strings Attached' by Red River Press. When not working, writing, cooking or cleaning, she likes listening to Hindustani Classical and to the umpteen stories of her 10-year-old daughter. She is always on a lookout for stories as she believes that everyone and everything is made of one.

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